Other Projects - Freight Containers

In 2009, FAMA partnered with H.E.L.P. International to send two freight car sized containers to the Great Lakes region of Central Africa. This undertaking benefitted dozens of organizations and several thousand families and individuals in Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In Rwanda, FAMA provided clothing and other supplies to over 800 families living in refugee camps throughout the country; distributed medicine, medical supplies and wheelchairs to Kanombe Hospital; provided wheelchairs to a center for the handicapped; furnished an elementary school for orphans and disadvantaged children in Kanombe with school supplies, books, and clothes; and, partnered with a local church in Kanombe to establish a computer training center for youth.

In DR Congo, FAMA provided clothing and supplies to war refugees and to Pygmies in Bwegera Congo. FAMA also distributed food and clothing to individuals displaced due to war, and partnered with the Assemblies of God denomination to assist other needy individuals.

In Burundi, FAMA partnered with an organization working with drug addicts, prostitutes and alcoholics in Bujumbura to provide clothing and other assistance; gave wheelchairs to the handicapped; partnered with churches throughout the country to distribute clothing and other assistance to over hundreds of Pygmy families, widows and orphans.